Wednesday 1 February 2017


Enemy. What do you think about it? What crossed your mind while you read that word? Is it good if we have one or more? I don't really know what crossed your mind, I'm not a mind reader. But there is one thing that I know and believe it's true. Anything that first cross your mind is something that you learn from society and what comes next is something that defines who you are. Some people think that having an enemy is good because that's mean you stand up for something. And the rest of them think that having an enemy is a bad sign because you must have done something wrong. It doesn't matter which one that have crossed your mind. What matters is your second thought. This is your inner voices. Don't deny it. Listen to it. Forget about your first thought. Remember, there is a reason why elders are often say "think twice before you say something."


  1. twice has 9 members... hahaha nevermind.
    love your article!:)

  2. "No matter how angry you get.." quote from chapter one on listening workbook. Haha

  3. I have enemies inside my games
