Friday 3 February 2017

No Way Back

Do you have problem? Of course you are. We all have problem. What should we do when we have problem? Fix it. Don't run from it. Never. It only makes it bigger. But some people run from it. The most common way they use is commit a suicide. Most teenagers love to commit suicide. Why I'm saying this? Because every year, the amount of teenagers who commits a suicide is getting higher. They think once that they are dead, there will be no more problem. Of course your problem won't disappear. It may look like disappear but in fact you only change it into someone else's problem. Your death become a burden for someone else. Especially your family. They may think that your death is their fault to not give you enough attention so you commit a suicide. You can do drugs. Or maybe alcohol. However I don't suggest you to do drugs and alcohol. But why commit a suicide? You may regret it once you do suicide. But it's too late. You are dead. You can't alive again. Suicide doesn't work like "I want to run from my problem. I will commit a suicide," then you become a ghost and see your mom have been crying for hours and you regret it and pray "God, I don't want to see my mom crying. Can You just take me back to life?" and God grant your wish and then you alive. No. You wrong. No matter how sorry you are, there are no way you can come back. 

1 comment:

  1. I've read an article about a victim from bullying. Not only from school, but even cyber bullying still haunted her. Because she didn't know how to face her problem, she decided to commit suicide. It was so cruel.
