Thursday 9 February 2017

More Fruit in a Rich Man's Shampoo than a Poor Man's Plate?

Maria Stephanie
Writing A
February 9th, 2017 

Sometimes this world can be a little bit strange. There are more fruits in a rich man's shampoo than a poor man's plate. Can you imagined that? It's ridiculous. However it's true. The cost of fruit are getting higher and not every fruit can be bought by everyone. There are some fruit which is very expensive so only certain people can buy it. But I'm not gonna give highlighting on the expensive fruit. I know they are expensive because of some reason such as they are rare to be found or they hard-grown or something like that. I am just wondering why fruit that can be found everywhere be expensive too.  They are not supposed to be expensive so poor people can afford it too. Poor people need fruit and its nutrition. 


  1. SO SAD :( I'm glad I don't like fruits too much haha

  2. Not only on shampoo, on body lotion, masker, toothpaste, and mostly on soaps too.
