Friday 24 February 2017

The Richest People of The World in 2017

A high class media from Shanghai, Hurun Report Inc, launched the latest data of the richest people in the world. From these data, eight out of ten people comes from United States. The 2 others comes from Mexico and Spain. They work in different industry. According from Hurun, here is the data of the world's richest people in 2017.
1. Bill Gates with a total wealth of USD 81 billion
2. Warren Buffett with a total wealth of USD 78 billion
3. Jeff Bezos with a total wealth of USD 72 billion
4. Amancio Ortega with a total wealth of USD 69 billion
5. Mark Zuckerberg with a total wealth of USD 58 billion
6. Larry Ellison with a total wealth of USD 48 billion
7. Carlos Slim Helu and family with a total wealth of USD 46 billion
8. David Koch with a total wealth of USD 43 billion
9. Charles Koch with a total wealth of USD 43 billion
10. Michael Bloomberg with a total wealth of USD 42 trillion

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