Friday 24 February 2017

Weekly Reflection (this blog ain't help me on my grammar)

Oh my God! This is my fourth weekly reflection which is mean it has been a month since I wrote my first article on this blog. I can't believe that I've written this blog for a month. I feel so grateful that I could through all of this. At first it was hard for me to do this assignment. Especially to find an idea, like what I said before on my third weekly reflection. But after a month I can tell that this blog was worth my time.  
This blog really helps me on my vocabulary. I'm not going to say that this blog helps me on my grammar because to be honest, I don't even know if my grammar on this blog it's all correct or the opposite. Nobody correct my grammar all of this time. I don't know why. Maybe because they also don't know whether it's correct or not. Or maybe because nobody read my article. I feel a little bit sad when I know the fact that no one read my article. However I made this for an assignment. I just need my lecturer to read all of my post and take a mark.  
Well, I hope this blog can help me on my grammar someday. Maybe the day is not coming now. But I believe someday it will. 

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