Friday 10 February 2017

Ridiculous Fact

Maria Stephanie
Writing A
February 10th, 2017 
What do you think the most important issue in this world? The issue that has to be fixed as soon as possible? Terrorism? Poverty? Lack of clean water? Hunger? Climate change? The answer is no. None of these problem are the most important issue in this world.  So what is it? Two percent of the people surveyed said they're still thinking about what the world's biggest problem is. They answered that they simply didn't know. That's our problem. The most important issue in this world is people don't know about what's going on in this world. They don't even care about it. Some of them think that the world is still going to be okay with or without them. What do you think about this? Are you one of them? Better you are not. However, if you are one of them, I'm gonna tell you that it's not too late to care about your world, your region, your city, or maybe just your neighborhood. This case are very popular among teenagers. Teenagers these days don't know about anything. They don't even know  the reason why they live but they also don't want to die. It's ridiculous but true. They just care about themselves and something they love. This new generation don't care if it is something like poverty, terrorism, climate change, etc. We, as teenagers, must change this saying-I-don't-know-to-everything habit. We need to start know something about this world. It's okay if you know just a little. That's a good start. 

1 comment:

  1. A person should at least take a look on what happens in the world.
