Tuesday 31 January 2017

"Hey, listen!"

Communication is the only way to express how we feel. The person who sits next to us wouldn't know how we feel if we didn't communicated with he/she. There are so many ways to tell others how we feel. Some people show it by their facial expression, from their gesture when they are doing something, etc. The most common way to communicate is speaking. We speak to deliver our feeling so that the others can understand how we feel. But what if the person who we spoke to are not paying attention so they are not really understand about how we feel? Or maybe they just pretend to understand our feeling because they want to look nice in front of us, but actually they don't care about our feeling at all? There are saying that "The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply." I am not saying that we shouldn't reply when someone is talking to us. I am just saying that before we reply them, make sure that we listen and understand what they are talking about. Basically we, as human being, only need someone who willing to listen to understand how we feel. Can you imagine if the whole world always wants to talk but no one is listening? It's terrifying


  1. Communication is always the important thing. But listening is the most important thing.

  2. That's why God create human with one mouth, and two ears.

  3. I like talking about nonsense and good things that make people happy. And listen to what people thinks and their opinions about me, so I can reflect it everyday.
