Monday 30 January 2017


Music is something that we can’t live without. Maybe not everyone realise about this fact but some of us already aware about this need. For you who has not realise, you can start realising it from now. I bet you never passing days without a music, at least one song per day, either you realise it or not. You might hear it from your car’s radio or your children singing or a shop at the street which is playing random music out loud. That’s where our serious problem starts. You can hear it everywhere, at every time, and by everyone. Actually this won’t be a big deal if people know how to choose their music wisely. Unfortunately not everyone knows how to choose their music wisely, especially those who under age. They don’t know what to listen to. What they know is just "I don't care if I'm not old enough to listen to a song. As long as everyone listen to it and it sounds good, I will definitely listen to it because I don’t want to be the one who left behind." So they start to listen to songs that are related to adult life, which is the most popular song these days like love songs and broken-heart songs. We need to get rid this mindset because you are what you listen to. And right now they are grow up too fast by listening to these songs and that's a bad idea. 


  1. Even now, people can describes someone by a song. And some people this day can't live without music they said.
    You are what you listen to (2)

  2. We can't really stop from listening music even when we don't want to if we can still hear it from others. Just like when you stuck in traffic jam and a truck beside you play "dangdut" music in a load sound.

  3. no one can live without music cause 1 music can bring thousand memories :)

  4. i personally think that people can listen to whatever kind of songs they want.
