Friday 10 March 2017

Weekly Reflection

Well, this is my sixth weekly reflection. To be honest, this is my last weekly reflection before the midterm test hits me like a truck. I am still going to write on this blog, but not for a month ahead. It's like having a little break for myself. 
Midterm doesn't always bad, you know. But this time, it makes me can't write article. Actually after doing this for 6 weeks, I kind of love it. I could share my mind, my ideas to the whole world without making anybody get offended. Well, I am sorry if there is one of you hurt after read my article. I didn't mean to do that.
I have been trying my best to write on this blog these whole time. I hope you guys who read my blog can enjoy it. I know my grammar bad. I know my article is boring. But thank you so much for being there and keep reading all of these things.
Wish me luck on my exam! :)

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