Wednesday 1 March 2017

The Last Northern White Rhino Is Under 24-hour Protection

This is Sudan, a northern white rhino. He is the last known male northern white rhino left in this world. He lives at the Ol Pejeta Conservancy in central Kenya. For an animal which is on the verge of extinction, the fate of the subspecies rests on his ability to conceive with the two female northern white rhinos at the conservancy, Fatu and Najin. For your information, they are the three northern white rhinos left in this world. These animals are under 24-hour protection by armed guards. The conservancy doing this due to the fact that northern white rhinos always be hunted by poachers. The poachers want the northern white rhinos' horn since they are encouraged by the belief in Asia that their horns cure various ailments. Experts also say the rhinos' horn are becoming more lucrative than drugs. Besides, the conservancy has put radio transmitters on the animals and dispatches incognito rangers into neighboring communities to gather intelligence on poaching so that these rhinos are can be prevented to be extinct due to death reason.

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