Thursday 9 March 2017

Indonesia Still The Largest Contributor of Tourists To Singapore

About 2.89 million Indonesians visited Singapore throughout 2016, the biggest contribution of tourists to the city state, about 17.7% of the country’s 16.4 million total foreign tourist arrivals, according to a statement released by Singapore Tourism Board (STB). The number of tourists from Indonesia grew by 6%, which was categorized as a sharp jump from the 10% decline in 2015, the statement says. STB area director to Indonesia Raymond Lim said on Tuesday in a media gathering in Jakarta that his office would continue trying to attract more Indonesians to visit Singapore. “We really hope that we can maintain what we had last year,” he said, adding that about 13% of Indonesians who visited Singapore went there for business. However, to boost the numbers of tourists from the eastern part of Indonesia, the board will hold roadshows in Palembang in South Sumatra and in Medan in North Sumatra in March and April, he said, adding that it would continue the roadshows in Bali in August and in Sulawesi in September. Lim said the board aimed for 16.4 to 16.7 million foreign tourists to visit Singapore in 2017 and expected revenues of between US$25 and $25.8 billion.

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