Wednesday 8 March 2017

Men Found Dead After Hit By Rogue Wave

Two students were found dead at Kaibon Beach in Kebumen regency, Central Java, Indonesia, on Tuesday, two days after a rogue wave reportedly hit them when they were playing on a nearby beach. The bodies of Asngadi, 20, who was a student at Muhammadiyah University in Purworejo, Indonesia, and Irwan, 22, of the Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Institute, were found by Search and Rescue (SAR) personnel. Mulwahyono of the National SAR Agency (Basarnas), who led the search mission said that they found the bodies 3 km from their last known location where the two has reportedly been playing on the beach. The bodies were taken to the Dr. Soedirman Regional Hospital in Kebumen for examination. Previously, eye witnesses said the victims, along with three other students, were playing at Petikusan Beach in Mirit district, Kebumen, when a rouge wave suddenly hit them on Sunday. Three of them managed to escape the wave and returned to the beach, while Asngadi and Irwan were dragged out to sea.

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