Friday 28 April 2017

Weekly Reflection

Hello! Today I'm going to pay my promise last week. "Trasnlation More Hobby Than Work for Novelist Murakami" apparently is the article I will give my comment on. So, let's start.

As far as I can remember I have never read novel from a Japanese novelist before but I believe that he is a great novelist. I can tell from the quote statement he gave at the event. Indeed it is the best for someone to have a job which is not far from their hobbies. However, I am telling you not to have one of your hobbies as your job because if someday you are tired of everything you have done at your job, you will hate your job which means you will end up hating your hobby too. What do you think about hating your job and your hobby in the same time? You are not ready for that, aren't you?

End of story it is okay to have your job as one of your hobbies but never make your hobbies as your job.

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