Monday 24 April 2017

Government Urges Public To Turn Off Lightbulbs, AC To Conserve Energy

The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry wants more people to be involved in its energy saving program so that it can save electricity and cut carbon emissions further in the long run. “As of December 2016, it was estimated that we could save electricity amounting to 1.8 terawatt hours and reduce the carbon emissions by about 1 million tons of CO2,” Satry Nugraha, a special staff member for environment and spatial planning for the energy and mineral resources minister, said in Jakarta on Tuesday. The ministry launched the energy saving program called “Potong 10%” (10 percent cut) in April last year in a bid to encourage people to reduce their use of energy in their daily lives, including by using energy-efficient lighting technologies such as light emitting diode (LED) lightbulbs, setting the air conditioner temperatures at 24 degrees Celsius, or turning of electronic devices when not in use. Since August 2016, it has also mandated all air conditioner producers to label their products with energy saving labels from the ministry to ensure the use of energy-efficient technologies. “We believe that this year we can surpass these achievements if more people are involved, including by using more energy-efficient technologies in their daily lives,” Satry added. The Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry has stated that a 10 percent energy saving in three years is equal to the development of one coal-fired power plant. Thus, more people should contribute to the program.

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